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United Futbol Academy

Metro Atlanta

Referee Respect Campaign



UFA has launched a Referee Respect Campaign. We want to provide the safest and the best environment for players during training and games. Referee abuse has been on the rise and we want to do our part in protecting referees from verbal abuse so that we can keep them in the game longer and develop great officials. 


There is a zero tolerance policy when it comes to coaches and parents using any derogatory language towards game officials or referees. There is no place in the game for adults to yell at, demean or intimidate young referees. Please understand that Forsyth County Parks & Recreation, Georgia Soccer and United Futbol Academy all have rules against referee abuse, and that includes verbal or physical abuse.


Please be respectful to all referees at all home and away venues as you represent yourself, your team and the club. Please also be mindful that you’re setting an example of behavior to your children.


The UFA Referee Respect Campaign guidelines with respect to Parent and Spectator misconduct are:

  • Parents/Spectators are not allowed to verbally question, address or critique (criticize) any game official’s judgment during or after the match. The first instance that any Parent/Spectator violates this rule, the game official will ask the appropriate coach to address the situation. If there is a second instance, a second warning will be given to the coach. If there is a third instance, the game official will ask the coach to remove the offending Parent/Spectator(s).
  • If the Parent/Spectator is using “offensive vulgar language” toward any game official during or after the match, that Parent/Spectator will be instantly removed on the first instance. If the offending Parent/Spectator refuses to leave or if the offending Team Coach refuses to address the parents when asked by the official, the Coach will be dismissed.
  • Any further instance by Parents/Spectators, the game will be terminated.

Thank you for your support and cooperation and we look forward to seeing you on the fields! Go UFA!




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