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United Futbol Academy

Metro Atlanta

ECNL Tryouts

2024-2025 Tryout Registration Opens May 1st
Players should wear white jerseys and black shorts/socks.

ECNL tryouts will be held as follows:
(Click here for Regional League (RL) Tryouts.)
U12-U14 (2011-2013)
2024 - Mon-Wed, May 20-22  
(Rain Date: May 23)
GIRLS @ South Forsyth
BOYS @ Fowler Park
Pre ECNL U12 (2013) – 5:30-7:00 p.m.
U13-U14 (2011-2012) – 8:00-9:30 p.m.
U15-U19 (2006-2010)
2024 - May 28, 29, 30 (Rain Date: May 31)
BOYS & GIRLS @ Fowler Park
U19/U16 (2006/07 & 2009) – 9:00-10:30 a.m.
U17/U15 (2008 & 2010) – 11:30am-1:00 p.m.
ATTN Non-Forsyth County Residents:
Please note that the Forsyth Out-of-County Fee is $175 per season.


Tryout registration will be live by May 1st. If your player would like to be evaluated for the upcoming soccer season with UFA, please be sure to register online.  Players should attend all 3 sessions for their age group. Simply go to our website at forsyth.unitedfa.org, log into your account and search under AVAILABLE PROGRAMS for “2024-2025 FORSYTH Academy/Select/ECNL Tryouts (U08-U19)”. (Instructions on how to set up an account can be found here.) There is no cost to tryout. Players will not receive their tryout ID number until they have been registered.
General Questions, please email:  ECNL@unitedfa.org
Boys ECNL Director:  Jason Smith, jason@unitedfa.org
Girls ECNL DIrector:  Iggy Moleka, iggy@unitedfa.org
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